Welcome to 1048's
Live Music Schedule!

Only Place For Live Music Every Night Of The Year!
Here's the calendar for who's playing. All music starts at 10:00 P.M., with
the exception of Jazz on Sundays, which starts at 9:30 P.M.

Send us an email if you'd like to be on our email list of our Music Schedule. Just click
HERE and put the word "subscribe" in the subject line. Thanks!
1048 Jazz & Blues
1104 East Fairview Avenue
Montgomery, Alabama 36106

Tel. 334-834-1048                                    1048JazzandBlues.com

"In the heart of Old Cloverdale"

Open 7 days a week-Live music 7 Days a Week/365 Days a year (Leap Years

Open at 4:00 P.M. Daily

Happy Hour 4:00 - 8:00 Mon-Sat.

Live Jazz every Sunday Afternoon. 9:30 - 12:30
        October, 2015

Wednesday            1              Something Delicious Acoustic

Thursday               2              Ziggy

Friday                    3             Roosevelt Franklyn

Saturday               4              MacPherson Struts

Sunday                 5             Jazz 9:30 - 12:30

Monday                6              Scott Grant

Tuesday               7              Patrick Cross

Wednesday          8             Something Delicious Acoustic

Thursday             9              Ziggy

Friday                 10             Whompus Cats

Saturday             11             Kurt & Jilla Full Band

Sunday               12             Jazz 9:30 - 12:30

Monday               13             Scott Grant

Tuesday              14             Patrick Cross

Wednesday         15             Something Delicious Acoustic

Thursday            16              Ziggy

Friday                 17              Medicine Chest

Saturday             18              Burnham Wood

Sunday               19              Jazz 9:30 - 12:30

Monday               20              Scott Grant

Tuesday              21              Patrick Cross

Wednesday         22              Something Delicious Acoustic

Thursday            23               Ziggy & Ben

Friday                 24                

Saturday             25               

Sunday               26               Jazz 9:30 - 12:30

Monday               27              Scott Grant

Tuesday              28               Patrick Cross

Wednesday         29               Something Delicious

Thursday            30               Ziggy

Friday                 31               Rollin' in the Hay- Halloween Party!